
Let Me Introduce Myself…

This is the hardest part for me to put into words. I’m really not sure what to say, but believe me when I start I probably won’t know when to stop, so I think I’ll start with my name… My name is Debbie and welcome to my website!

If you’ve already browsed the site you might have guessed that I’m a bit of a nature lover. I have a specific interest in macro nature photography, with a real passion for photographing insects.

Once upon a time, not so many years ago, after receiving my very first DSLR camera, a Nikon D3200 – in case you are interested – gifted to me by my husband. All I wanted to do was to learn how to use the camera out of auto mode in the hope of being able to photograph tiny things in nature.

Asking for advice I was told by a not-so-helpful person to stick to auto as using the camera in manual was too difficult and I’d never manage it! I have to admit at that time the task of learning how to use a DSLR out of auto mode, let alone learn how to take closeup and macro photographs seemed a daunting task! I honestly felt I would never be able to take photos that ‘other people take’…. If you know what I mean?

Fast forward several years and with a lot of patience, practice and perseverance my dream now is to guide and encourage others into this amazing genre of photography!

Photo credit: Derek Hibbert

Nature Photography As A Form Of Therapy

I feel at my most relaxed when out in the mini-mountains of Zakynthos with my camera or the dogs. It truly is my happy place… Although saying that macro nature photography and walking the dogs are not two activities that go hand in hand. Inevitably dogs always want to know what you’re up to!

The dishes can wait, but nature waits for no-one! So as you might have guessed I don’t need much encouragement to get into the big outdoors. However I also believe that there is a wonderful world of nature right on our very own doorsteps if we take the time to look and see, and I want to help people see!

Photo credit: Geraldine Grampsas

What Else Might You Like To Know?…

I hail from Devon, still speak with a West country twang, but haven’t been back for years…

I like to talk, but I love peace and quiet equally as much…

I have a family and love the saying ‘if you get your children into photography, they’ll never be able to afford drugs’… My children are not into photography…

My hobbies are photography, hiking, and eating cake… Not necessarily in that order…

Photo Credit: Lex Moens

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